Five reasons you should solo travel after a divorce

When I embarked on my first solo trip, my husband had just filed for divorce. On top of that I was grieving for my beloved Dad who had passed away just a few months earlier. In truth, I saw my spontaneous solo getaway to Amsterdam as nothing more than an escape and a chance to get some much-needed head space. Back then I never could have imagined how life changing solo travel would be for my divorce journey.

Here’s five ways solo travel has helped me to navigate life after my divorce:

A fresh start

At the start of my divorce, I had no idea how I was going to start over. Solo travel has been the clean slate I needed. It meant putting myself and my needs first for a change. It has opened me up to incredible new experiences that I can truly call my own. It has enabled me to meet new people and embrace my independence. Solo travel has helped me to see my life after divorce as one full of possibilities and adventures. The world is very much my oyster and I can’t wait to see where the future takes me.


Having spent nearly a decade in a co-dependent relationship, I had forgotten how to trust myself and my own decisions. That all changed when I started solo travelling. Travelling solo meant I had to take ownership of my choices and it’s allowed me to become more self-reliant and independent in my everyday life. It turns out I’m a lot more capable than I ever believed possible. When I solo travel, the only person I need validation from is myself, which is a liberating feeling.


One of the best things about solo travel is how it enables you to truly connect with your authentic self. Divorce and solo travel made me realise just how much I had sacrificed to keep my ex-husband happy. When I solo travel, I love being able to do what I want, when I want, without having to make any compromises. By having the freedom to do everything on my own terms, I was able to figure out what I liked and what I wanted as a newly independent woman. Solo travel has helped me to become my own person again.

self-confidence & RESILIENCE

Travelling alone never crossed my mind before my divorce. I would never of had the confidence to even dine out alone, let alone travel. I guess you can say my first solo trip was very much throwing myself in at the deep end. Things didn’t go entirely to plan and I had to think on my feet, but I have only grown in confidence with every single solo trip. Each time I step a little bit further out of my comfort zone, I start to silence that inner critic that has always told me “I can’t.”

Personal growth

I have been solo travelling since my divorce three years ago and I’ve learnt more about myself in those three years than I ever did as a married woman. I’ve experienced incredible highs in the memories I’ve made and the places I’ve explored. I’ve also had to pick myself up from the inevitable lows, but this has helped me to develop courage, strength and resilience. Solo travel has given me a sense of accomplishment and enabled me to see myself in a positive light. Solo travel has taught me to love the woman I am becoming.

Thank you for checking out my blog. I hope it helps to answer your questions if you are thinking about solo travelling for the first time after divorce.

If you’d like to follow my journey, you can follow me on Instagram. For more about Emily, click here